Basics of Ruby Programming.


6 min read

Basics of Ruby Programming

Variables and Data Types:

In Ruby, variables don't have types; instead, objects have types. Variables simply reference objects. Here's an example:


name = "John" # String

age = 25 # Integer

salary = 2500.50 # Float

is_student = true # Boolean



Ruby supports various operators for arithmetic, comparison, logical operations, etc. Here's an example:


Arithmetic operators

sum = 5 + 3 # 8

difference = 10 - 5 # 5

product = 4 * 6 # 24

quotient = 10 / 2 # 5

Comparison operators

is_greater = 10 > 5 # true

is_equal = 10 == 5 # false

is_not_equal = 10 != 5 # true

Logical operators

logical_and = true && false # false

logical_or = true || false # true

logical_not = !true # false


Control Flow:

Ruby provides various control flow structures like if, elsif, else, case, while, until, and for loops. Example:


# if, elsif, else

grade = 85

if grade >= 90

puts "A"

elsif grade >= 80

puts "B"


puts "C"


# case

fruit = "apple"

case fruit

when "apple"

puts "It's an apple"

when "banana"

puts "It's a banana"


puts "Unknown fruit"


# while loop

counter = 0

while counter < 5

puts counter

counter += 1




Ruby supports various loop constructs like while, until, and for loops. Example:


# until loop

counter = 0

until counter >= 5

puts counter

counter += 1


# for loop

for i in 0..5

puts i



Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) in Ruby:

Classes and Modules:

Classes are blueprints for creating objects, while modules are collections of methods and constants. Example:


class Person

def initialize(name)

@name = name


def greet

puts "Hello, #{@name}!"



module MathHelper

def self.square(num)

num * num




#### Inheritance:

Ruby supports single inheritance where a class can inherit behavior from another class. Example:


class Animal

def speak

"Animal speaks"



class Dog < Animal

def speak




dog =

puts dog.speak # Output: "Woof!"


#### Mixins:

Mixins allow classes to share behaviors without inheritance. They are implemented using modules. Example:


module Jumpable

def jump

"Jumping high!"



class Rabbit

include Jumpable


rabbit =

puts rabbit.jump # Output: "Jumping high!"


#### Encapsulation:

Encapsulation is the bundling of data with methods that operate on that data. Here's an example:


class Car

def initialize(speed)

@speed = speed


def accelerate

@speed += 10


def brake

@speed -= 10


def current_speed




car =


puts car.current_speed # Output: 10


#### Duck Typing:

Ruby follows duck typing, which means the type or class of an object is less important than the methods it defines. If an object quacks like a duck, it's treated as a duck. Example:


class Duck

def sound




class Dog

def sound




def make_sound(animal)

puts animal.sound


duck =

dog =

make_sound(duck) # Output: "Quack!"

make_sound(dog) # Output: "Woof!"


### Ruby Standard Libraries:

#### Core Libraries:

- Kernel: Contains core methods available globally.

- Enumerable: Provides collection-specific methods.

#### Enumerable:

The Enumerable module provides a set of methods to iterate over collections like arrays, hashes, etc. Example:


numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]

# Using Enumerable methods

numbers.each { |num| puts num * 2 } # Output: 2 4 6 8 10

# Other Enumerable methods: map, select, reject, etc.


Let's dive deeper into the Enumerable module and explore various methods for arrays, hashes, and other enumerable objects:

### Enumerable Methods for Arrays:

#### each:

Iterates over each element in the array and yields it to the block.


numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]

numbers.each { |num| puts num } # Output: 1 2 3 4 5


#### map:

Creates a new array containing the values returned by the block.


squares = { |num| num * num }

puts squares.inspect # Output: [1, 4, 9, 16, 25]


#### select:

Returns a new array containing elements for which the block returns true.


evens = { |num| num.even? }

puts evens.inspect # Output: [2, 4]


#### reject:

Returns a new array containing elements for which the block returns false.


odds = numbers.reject { |num| num.even? }

puts odds.inspect # Output: [1, 3, 5]


#### reduce (or inject):

Combines all elements of the array by applying a binary operation, specified by a block or a symbol that names a method or operator.


sum = numbers.reduce(0) { |acc, num| acc + num }

puts sum # Output: 15


#### any?:

Returns true if the block ever returns a value other than false or nil.


has_negative = numbers.any? { |num| num < 0 }

puts has_negative # Output: false


#### all?:

Returns true if the block never returns false or nil.


all_positive = numbers.all? { |num| num > 0 }

puts all_positive # Output: true


#### count:

Returns the number of items in enum through enumeration.


count = numbers.count

puts count # Output: 5


### Enumerable Methods for Hashes:

#### each:

Iterates over each key-value pair in the hash and yields it to the block.


ages = { "John" => 25, "Jane" => 30, "Doe" => 40 }

ages.each { |name, age| puts "#{name} is #{age} years old" }

# Output:

# John is 25 years old

# Jane is 30 years old

# Doe is 40 years old


#### map:

Creates a new array containing the values returned by the block.


doubled_ages = { |name, age| [name, age * 2] }

puts doubled_ages.inspect

# Output: [["John", 50], ["Jane", 60], ["Doe", 80]]


#### select:

Returns a new hash containing key-value pairs for which the block returns true.


adults = { |name, age| age >= 18 }

puts adults.inspect

# Output: {"John"=>25, "Jane"=>30, "Doe"=>40}


#### reject:

Returns a new hash containing key-value pairs for which the block returns false.


minors = ages.reject { |name, age| age >= 18 }

puts minors.inspect

# Output: {}


#### each_key:

Iterates over each key in the hash and yields it to the block.


ages.each_key { |name| puts name }

# Output:

# John

# Jane

# Doe


#### each_value:

Iterates over each value in the hash and yields it to the block.


ages.each_value { |age| puts age }

# Output:

# 25

# 30

# 40


#### key?:

Returns true if the given key is present in the hash.


has_jane = ages.key?("Jane")

puts has_jane # Output: true


#### value?:

Returns true if the given value is present in the hash.


has_age_25 = ages.value?(25)

puts has_age_25 # Output: true


#### empty?:

Returns true if the hash contains no key-value pairs.


empty_hash = {}

puts empty_hash.empty? # Output: true
